Generating a Price Confirmation


Who is eligible to use the Price Confirmation feature?

  • Anyone with a business account can access our Price Confirmation feature. If you are signed in and cannot see the Generate a Price Confirmation option in the cart, please contact web support.

What pricing will be used to create the Price Confirmation?

  • The Price Confirmation will reflect your current contract pricing for the account you selected. Products added from existing quotes will update to also reflect this contract pricing.
  • Prices will remain valid until the Price Confirmation expires with the exception of additional charges associated with the order. Price updates will be reflected in the basket and at checkout at the time of purchase.

Will shipping and handling or taxes be included on my Price Confirmation?

  • Additional charges associated with your order will appear on your Price Confirmation just as they did in the basket view. Estimated charges will be noted as such and recalculated in the cart during checkout.

Are any products excluded?

  • Depending on the account, products you’re eligible to order will also qualify for the Price Confirmation feature. Please note that configurable Oligo and Assay products do not qualify.